One of the common issues with doggy distemper is knowing when a small sniffle turns into something more sinister.
In this blog, we’ll outline some typical symptoms of under-the-weatherness. So you know when to give it time and when to consult a professional.
Common Signs That Your Dog Isn’t Feeling Well
Noticing illness is much simpler when you understand your dog’s body language. Some of the main calling cards of illness in your dog are:
- Ears back
- More subdued than normal
- More tired than usual
- Hiding
- Increased licking
- Limping
A great way to notice any daily changes in your best friend's demeanour or physique is by performing a health check.
When Do You Know When It’s Time To Call The Vet?
Obviously, you should never ignore the signs that your dog is unwell. So what are the top 4 signs that you need to call a vet?
1. Diarrhea or vomitingVomiting or diarrhea in your dog aren’t necessarily a sign that you need to call a vet straight away.
However, if they’re sick multiple times in one day or for more than one day in a row, then it’s time to consult the professionals. Stomach upsets may be completely benign. But they could also indicate that something more sinister is at work including:
- Infectious diseases
- Food allergies
- Bowel infection
- Metabolic infection
- Cancer
- Parvovirus
There’s equal reason to be concerned if you pup has gone off their food. Whether your pooch normally inhales their tucker before it hits the bowl or they’re quite calm around the kibble. If they suddenly stop eating, there could be more to the story than just an “off day”.
If they have lost their appetite or are recovering from a sickness spell, blander foods like chicken and rice or pumpkin are good.
We did include this in the earlier section because limping can just be monitored from home.
If your best friend is not as nimble as normal or you can see they’re struggling to walk it may just be a pulled muscle, which can be solved by a couple of rest days.
However, limping can also be a calling card of nastier issues like Lyme Disease, hip dysplasia, broken bones or arthritis.
4. BleedingThis one probably goes without saying. But if you notice blood coming from anywhere on your dog then you will need to get the vets involved.
The issue with doggie abrasions is that they will lick them and continue to live their generally messy lives, so infections are a real risk.
How To Keep Your Pup Healthy
Knowing when your dog is sick and noticing those changes in body language or behaviour are all part of ownership.
Thankfully, there are many things you can do to keep them fighting fit. From regular exercise to a healthy diet, ensuring your dog is healthy can be fun and rewarding.
But, if you need a helping hand along the way, check out our Itch Relief Chews. They come packed with Omega-3, amino acids, and vitamin E among other good stuff. Perfect for fighting fit furry friends.